Pen Mill Infant and Nursery Academy

Strong foundations, greater opportunities.

Our child centred, language rich curriculum will enable every pupil to maximize their potential. They will recognise their strengths, develop a love for learning and be fully prepared for the next stage of their journey.

  1. News
  2. school jotter app - Username and password

school jotter app - Username and password

14 July 2021 (by admin)

Dear parents and carers

Over the next couple of days your child will be bringing home a letter that contains a username and password to be used with our new messaging system School Jotter. The letter gives step by step details of how to download this app onto your phone if you haven't already done so.

In order to see messages you will need to be logged into the app using the details in the letter.

School Comms will be fazed out by September 2021 and all communication and parents evening bookings will be sent out using our new app,

Please take this time to familiarize yourself with it.

If you have any problems, please feel free to contact the school office,

Many thanks

School Admin