Pen Mill Infant and Nursery Academy

Strong foundations, greater opportunities.

Our child centred, language rich curriculum will enable every pupil to maximize their potential. They will recognise their strengths, develop a love for learning and be fully prepared for the next stage of their journey.

Robin Class - Reception 

Class Teachers 

Miss L Foster 


Class TA's 

Miss C Fields 

A very warm welcome to Robin Class

Reception Class 2024

We would like to welcome our newest Robins to Pen Mill School. The children are settling into the routines well and are enjoying exploring all of their new areas. Phonics teaching has already begun with Phase 1 and the children are keen to show off their new skills. The children are looking forward to wearing their Welly Boots for Forest School. Topic webs have been sent home with the children to keep you updated with their learning journey. Please ensure that you can log into Tapestry so that you can share your child's learning with them.

As always if you need any help with anything please come and see Mrs Cundy/Miss Foster or a member of the team. We will

happily help no matter how big or small.

Wren and Robin Class 

Our topic this term is ‘Ourselves’ which is all about the children forming friendships and getting to know each other, talking about their families and finding out how our bodies work. It has been lovely to watch the children develop old and new friendships through playing and working together. 

Our stories so far ‘Owl babies’ and ‘Monkey Puzzle’ have supported our discussions about their families and what they were like as a baby. We have loved looking at the children's baby photos showing how much they have changed in terms of the way they look and the things they are able to do now that they couldn't when they were babies.  

Our scarf workshop with Harold the Giraffe was great because the children found out lots about internal organs and how their bodies work in a fun and interactive way. 

Many of the children in reception have said that they would like to become police officers when they grow up and what a lovely surprise for them this week when the police arrived to talk to the children about some of the equipment they might use and the work they must do. The blue flashing lights and sirens added to the excitement! 

The children are developing a good understanding of numbers to 5 and are finding out about the vocabulary ‘more than’, ‘fewer than’ and ‘equal to’. They have enjoyed investigating what numbers up to 5 are made from. For example, 2 and another 2 makes 4.  

In phonics the children have been working hard to remember all the sounds that we have taught them so far. They are enjoying playing Fred talk games. The children are remembering to say the letter rhymes as they write to help them remember how to form the letters correctly.  

The children are excited to be taking part in the harvest church service. We have taken the children into the church to show them what it will be like and practiced our songs that they will be performing. This service always feels like a lovely way to bring the school together and show the children they are part of something quite special.  

The progress the children are making is fantastic. Thank you for all your support with your child’s reading and letter formation. You make a big difference to the progress they make.  

What a busy start to the year we have had! We have been very lucky to have started Yoga sessions with Paula. Each week she takes us on a different journey which incorporate props and yoga moves. The children have been mesmerized by her and the wonderful  objects she brings for the children to look at and use. We have been taken to the sea, been on a forest  adventure and learned about the Great Race for Chinese New Year. The children have learned that we are in the year of the snake. They have been able to name all 12 of the animals that took part in the race.

Our topic has been Superheroes and which has caught many of the children’s imaginations.   Superbat, Supertato and Superworm have been our key texts and have led to many different provocations. We have had vegetables to save, jelly to make to catch that Evil Pea and masks and shields to make us ‘super’. The children also thought about their own super powers that they have. They came up with being kind, listening, sharing and being a good friend. This developed into what super powers they would like to have. The children came up with being invisible, the ability to travel super fast and being able to fly. We think all of the children are special and unique in their own ways and we hope that they have realised that too.

We have still been getting out for our ‘Welly Walks’ and noticing the changes that have happened to our field. The children have been learning about which season we are in and have enjoyed the story ‘The Snow Thief’. We have collected natural materials to make leaf crowns and shields and taken part in the Big Garden Bird Watch. We had to be extremely quiet on the field so the birds would come near us, this was quite a challenge but one that they rose to.

In Literacy the children have been learning to write sentences with capital letters and full stops and finger spaces. In Maths we have been learning about number bonds to 5 and how we can use our fingers to help us. In Reading we have been extremely impressed with the children’s progress and their skills they have developed in order to be a successful reader.


We will be looking closely at the following texts: 

The Little Red Hen  Little Red Riding Hood  Jack and the Beanstalk 

Robin's Will learning through a variety of adult led and child led opportunities. You will be able to see all the exciting things we will get up to on  Tapestry so please check you can log in. 

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